Sari Pollen
Founder of PKP Community Centre
Meet Ibu Sari
Ibu Sari dedicated her life to helping vulnerable woman and children in Bali after her own experience of going through a divorce and not being allowed to see her daughter for 12 years. Regardless of the circumstances of divorce in Bali, it is very difficult for women to be accepted back into their communities and rebuild a life afterward. Suffering severe depression Ibu Sari decided to turn her adversity around and went back to school.
While in school to become a teacher, Ibu Sari heard of many other woman’s difficulties and decided to start KIM Women’s Centre to help other’s overcome similar challenges she had experienced. She noticed not many people talk about these kinds of difficulties so Ibu Sari made it her mission to help women become healthier in mind, body, and spirit while bringing emotional and financial stability into their lives. After finishing school Ibu Sari became the headmaster of Sari Hati school for mentally disabled children.
Ibu Sari has a vision for KIM Women’s centre and needs continued support to help fund the projects they offer. The centre runs several programs teaching women to sew, cook, do yoga and integrate back into the community.

Now: PKP Community Centre
After years running activities at KIM Women’s Centre, Ibu Sari realized that she cannot build women in isolation. Families hold a crucial part of the women’s lives, and often they are the sole reason of the women’s persistence and hard work.
Therefore she decided to enlarge the scope of the centre, by embracing the whole community – not only women, but also children, teenagers, young adults, and men. The new PKP logo now symbolizes the synergy of different parts of community (different colours), to create something beautiful (a flower).
PKP Community Centre now provides a thriving home, a safe space to grow and collaborate for all members of the community, working hand in hand as equals for their collective growth.
While in school to become a teacher, Ibu Sari heard of many other woman’s difficulties and decided to start KIM Women’s Centre to help other’s overcome similar challenges she had experienced. She noticed not many people talk about these kinds of difficulties so Ibu Sari made it her mission to help women become healthier in mind, body, and spirit while bringing emotional and financial stability into their lives. After finishing school Ibu Sari became the headmaster of Sari Hati school for mentally disabled children.
Ibu Sari has a vision for KIM Women’s centre and needs continued support to help fund the projects they offer. The centre runs several programs teaching women to sew, cook, do yoga and integrate back into the community.