Formerly known as KIM Women's Centre, now we are
Empowering Village Communities in Bali
Because when you want to build women, you need to build the whole family.
PKP Catering
About Us
PKP Women’s Centre has an overall goal to facilitate female empowerment and gender equality to Balinese women and girls in the local area. PKP empowers women by facilitating job skills training and support programs like cooking-and English class, but most importantly, the women’s centre also provides a safe haven for divorced women who are generally highly stigmatized and ostracized in the community. The job training that PKP provides are proven to help families who feel stressed due to financial difficulties.
The village as a whole benefits from these programs because families can use the additional money for education or nutrition. This source of income provides better opportunities for their children to create a more successful future.

Ibu Sari
Founder of PKP Community Centre (formerly KIM Women's Centre)
Ibu Sari dedicated her life to helping vulnerable woman and children in Bali after her own experience of going through a divorce and not being allowed to see her daughter for 12 years. Regardless of the circumstances of divorce in Bali, it is very difficult for women to be accepted back into their communities and rebuild a life afterward. Suffering severe depression Ibu Sari decided to turn her adversity around and went back to school.
“I’ve learnt how to make myself happy no matter whatever my situation was. Only you can control your happiness. My early training taught me to believe in the five K’s: kebersamaan (togetherness), kepedulian (caring), kerukunan (harmony), kepercayaan (trust) and kasih sayang (love).”
– Ibu Sari, Founder
Support Us
Through our different programs, we are able to empower communities to live a more independent life!
PKP Community Centre is supported by our generous supporter: